
Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Two New CDs

'Thalassing' is a self titled CD by duo Michael Tanner and Kerrie Robinson.
Michael has made music under many guises Plinth, Cloisters and The A.Lords to name but a few as well as recording and playing live with Mark Fry and Sharron Kraus. Last year he released the brilliant 'Music for Smalls Lighthouse' on Second Language. Kerrie plays in Betika.

Thalassing was improvised in one night in front of projections of the sea, and is limited to 100 copies.



The Hardy Tree - The Fields Lie Sleeping Underneath

This is the second edition of the Hardy Tree CD this time in lovely Yellow Ochre, once again limited to 100 copies.

The music on the first Hardy Tree CD 'The Fields Lie Sleeping Underneath' was inspired by Frances Castle's local London neighborhood, a soundtrack to the past beneath the pavements, its early grass covered hills, Victorian hay day, and 20th century sprawl. Recorded at home in an attic room over a year, she has patched and stitched together a wonky orchestral jigsaw puzzle of sounds that hint at audio memories, ghost orchestras, cinema organs, folk song , and static and crackle.

£11 + P&P
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